It's 2025 . . . what will you do to grow your business?
If you sell equipment and your existing marketing approach isn’t fully enabling you to meet your sales objectives, you might consider this. The top 20% of your competition’s A customers buy 400% more equipment annually than your company’s average customer. What would happen to your equipment sales if an ever-increasing percentage of your sales leads came from your competition’s A customers?
Would that be a good thing?

The cost of generating a sales lead with an A or C customer is the same, but the sales results are substantially different. Selling more equipment is remarkably easy; if you want to do that, we can help because Gro365 knows how to create a list of your competition’s biggest customers, how to contact them, and how to find out when they plan to buy equipment next.

Here's Another Idea
Equipment Buying Cycles Can Be Predicted
If the equipment you sell has a useful life of 10,000 hours, and your customer/ prospect works a single work shift (52 weeks x 40 hours = 2080 hours), that company will be ready to replace equipment every five years. If they work two shifts, they’ll replace equipment twice as often as a company that works a single shift.
Over the years, we have learned that prospects will tell you the age of their equipment if you ask them, so we ask them.
We can also find out:
1. Who is servicing their equipment
2. If they are maintaining it themselves
3. From whom they are buying parts

Once We Have a List in Hand, It's All Downhill From There!
We contact your competition’s biggest customers in your name to find out when they plan to replace existing equipment. Usually, they are eager to get a quote when the time is right. If they aren’t ready to replace equipment, then we go after their aftermarket business.
Our core objective is to build an Equipment Forecast Calendar showing all planned equipment purchases in your sales territory for the next twelve months.
Risk-Free Offer

Because you are unfamiliar with our marketing strategy and service, we offer it Risk Free. Our process usually begins with an introductory meeting with a management team member.
That meeting typically leads to a second meeting with more management team members. After that meeting, we generally meet with the other key decision-makers.
After that, we schedule what we call the Listening-in Exercise. This is an opportunity for management team members to listen to live prospecting calls on behalf of another client. They watch and hear the BDR assigned to that project prospect and gather real-time marketing and sales information.
You’ll hear firsthand the difference between a TeleMarketing and a TeleProspecting call.
What is a BDR?

The BDR’s objective is to make a great first impression, just as one of your salespeople would make if they were placing the call.
A part-time BDR, working 1,000 hours annually, will place about 20,000 outbound calls. Can you imagine making that many contacts and not producing a great deal of new equipment and aftermarket sales? The approximate cost per call is less than $4.10.
After the Listening-in Exercise, the management team selects a test project. The next step is to create a script. It’s hard to explain without seeing an actual script, but typically, a script can offer three different products or services.
Once we have a project and its script, the next step is to assign one of our BDRs to begin making calls on your behalf. During this part of the Risk-Free period, the leads will be forwarded to you for evaluation.
At the end of the Risk-Free period, you will receive the Marketing and Sales Database created for your project containing the call results, contact information, and notes from each call.
After that, you will have five business days to decide whether to proceed with us or terminate the agreement. If you terminate the agreement, you will not owe us a dime.

It is not practical to help two competing businesses in the same sales territory simultaneously take business away from the competition, so we offer our clients exclusivity.
That means we will not represent any other business within your sales territory that competes with yours. Our only requirement for exclusivity is that you concurrently market your entire sales territory.

Your Secret Sauce-Unmatched Customer Service
Like smaller businesses, big companies are also price-conscious; however, we have found them to be particularly concerned about high-touch, high-level customer service.
We can get your competition’s customers to leave them and do business with you, but they will not stay unless you provide unrivaled customer service. Their two biggest needs (or pains, if you fail to provide them) are parts availability and on-time every-time service.

Bundled Pricing
Bundled pricing is a great way to differentiate your company.
Incorporating it into your equipment sales allows you to add needed products and services at a discounted price rather than selling them individually.
The added value also disadvantages your competition, giving you a leg up at the closing table. In addition to adding value, bundling further locks your customers in while reducing your overall sales costs.
Other Advantages

Our other clients will tell you that their salespeople go after our leads first because they are fully qualified and there aren’t other salespeople on the same deal. We can . . .
- Conduct customer service surveys
- Schedule and reset appointments
- Continuously update customer and prospect information
- Deliver KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) every two weeks
If you want to know more, book a conversation by following this link which will direct you to a Teams Booking page where you may schedule a 15-minute meeting.