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The Hard Part

The hard part isn’t knowing what to do to grow your distributorship’s revenue. You’ve already got most of that figured out. The hard part is knowing how to do it.  That’s the part that bothers you most. If you don’t know how to do it, then how can you be sure that we...

The Institutional Imperative

In a letter to Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholders, dated March 2, 1990, Warren Buffett introduced a concept he referred to as the Institutional Imperative. Since he introduced the ideas, hundreds of articles, many of them scholarly, have been written about his...

The Payoff

I don’t know if you have ownership interest in your business or not, but I do in mine. As an owner my focus for years was on maximizing sales transactions and the more of them the better! Then one day it dawned on me that a sales transaction was really only a one-time...

Content Marketing

On May 6, 1999, Simon & Schuster released a little book written by Seth Godin. The book was entitled, Permission Marketing. The idea behind the book was that the most efficient way for a business to grow was for the business to first seek permission from its...